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Found 9 records

How can I add videos to my listing/event?
Only the diamond listing/event level has the video feature by default. You can enable video for others levels by going to Settings - Manage Levels.<br /> To add video to an item, you need to insert the video embed code in the item form in the Video Snippet Code field.
What happens if I forget my password?
If you forget your password, please click on the 'Forgot your Password?' link of the front of the directory or on the sponsor login page. The password recovery email will be sent to the email address provided from your Contact Information. The email will contain a link which will redirect the user to the 'Manage Account' section, where the password can be updated.
Am I required to have an account to add or edit listings on the site?
Yes. In order to add any item, including Free items, to the directory you must have an account.
How can I sign up for an account?
To get started, select the 'Advertise With Us' link at top menu, select a Basic or Premium listing type click 'SIGN UP'. Fill out the fields and follow the simple steps to finish the process. To sign up as a Site Visitor go to 'CREATE YOUR PROFILE' at the top of the site, fill out the fields and click in 'SUBMIT'.
What determines which listings appear as Featured Listings on the Home Page and main Listings page?
Only Premium Listings appear as Featured Listings, and they are randomly rotated.
How can I print an item from the directory?
The items in the directory which have a detail page will contain a 'Print' link. Just click the link to print the page.
Is it possible to tell a friend about something found within the directory?
Yes. Each item within the directory contains a 'Send to Friend' link. Click the link and a pop-up will open. Fill out the fields and an email will be sent to your friend.
What do the numbers that appear after Category and Sub-Category names mean?
These numbers illustrate the total number of items registered under that category.
Why am I receiving an 'Account Locked' message?
If you attempt to access your account and type in an incorrect password 5 times the account will lock for 1 hour. This is for security reasons.