Listings in Restaurant Uniform Services near Tipton, Pennsylvania and Charleroi, Pennsylvania

Find the Restaurant Uniform Services you need here and contact them directly.  Be sure to write a review to help other companies in their search for a quality restaurant uniform service company.


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Model Uniforms

Mat Rentals and Facility ServicesAll Uniform ServicesIndustrial and AutomotiveRestaurant Uniform ServicesTowel Services

At Model Uniforms, we provide superior uniform and image care for your business. We're family, and that's how we'll treat you. Trust us to complete your order accurately, punctually, and immaculately.


100 3rd Street
Charleroi, Pennsylvania 15022
United States


Phone: View Phone (724) 565-2037

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Balfurd Linen Service

CSC Network (Independent Laundry Member)Clean Green CertifiedMat Rentals and Facility ServicesMedical Uniform ServicesRestaurant Uniform ServicesTRSA Member Directory

Balfurd Linen Service provides top-quality commercial linen and healthcare products for rental across Pennsylvania and Northern Maryland. We offer healthcare linens and uniforms, restaurant linen and uniforms, and even facility products.


2467 Park Avenue
Tipton, Pennsylvania 16684
United States


Phone: View Phone (800) 992-0003

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